For a same day appointment, you should call 01274 484111.
The receptionist will ask for a brief description of the problem, if you do not want to disclose the information, please say so.
The information will be passed to the on-call doctor who will either book you a face-to-face appointment or a telephone consultation.
If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.

Telephone Advice
If you wish to ask the doctor something but do not need to see them face-to-face then please ring and book a telephone appointment.
Specialist Clinic Appointments
We offer a range of more specialised clinics including minor surgery, joint injections, contraception and sexual health, level 2 diabetes and most of the doctors have an area of speciality.
These appointments are booked for you by our practitioners should they deem this to be appropriate.
Extended Access
Extended Access to Primary Care
This practice is part of the extended access service which provides GP, Physiotherapy, Nurse, and Health care assistant appointments from the following locations (hubs) across Bradford:
- North hub: Shipley Medical Practice, Alexandra Road, Shipley, Bradford BD18 3EG
- Central hub: Picton Medical Centre, Westbourne Green Community Health Care Centre, Manningham, Bradford, BD8 8RA
- South hub: The Ridge Medical Practice, Cousen Road, Bradford, BD7 3JX
As a patient registered with this practice, you have access to the following:
- Weekday appointments
- Evening appointments (6.30pm – 9.30pm) at any of the three hubs to see one of the following, subject to availability:
- GP
- Physiotherapist
- Nurse
- Healthcare Assistant
- Voluntary sector services
- Weekend appointments
Weekend appointments are available with a GP from 10.00am - 1.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays from the central hub, subject to availability.
More information about appointments with the extended access service
The service is run by Bradford Care Alliance, which represents all GP practices in the Bradford area. Medical appointments are with GPs and other healthcare staff who work in the area; so your appointment may not be with a clinician from this practice.
To use the service we will ask for your consent to share your medical record and our reception staff will explain what this means and why it is necessary.
Appointments Online
If you haven't already registered for SystmOnline services, you need to before you can access online appointments. You can register for online services by completing a form at reception. Please Note: The receptionist will need to see ID.
Enter your login details when you've registered, and go to the online appointment page for access to:
View Appointments
- You can printout appointment details
- You can view future appointments
- You can view past appointments
Book Appointments
- You can view and book pre bookable appointments
Please Note: Not all sessions are available online so please visit the practice, call or use patches
Cancel Appointments
- You can cancel any appointment online and the practice system will update so there is no need to call us.
Login Page
Click Here to be directed to the login page.
Cancellations & Reminders
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient.
If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, it will be coded on your record. Persistent defaulters will receive a letter and may result in your being deducted from our patient list.
You can cancel appointments in person, by phone and online.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing this consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address