Our education leads are Dr Adeela Khan, Dr Uzma Qureshi. We work with Leeds and Bradford Universities to tutor and mentor medical & nursing students as well as qualified training grade doctors and nurses.
You will probably have some contact with them at the practice. If this is likely you will be informed beforehand and have the opportunity to decline their presence during the consultation.
We are extremely grateful to all patients that allow our students to interact with them but also totally respect that this may not be comfortable some & have procedures in place to ensure that your wishes are fully respected and adhered to.
The practice has been approved by the University of Leeds for the teaching and education of medical students. In addition the practice has been recognised by the Yorkshire Deanery, a body responsible for doctor training, as a practice qualified to train doctors.
Foundation Year Doctors
The Practice will be supporting Foundation Year Doctors (FY2) at the surgery for a period of 4 months at a time. The doctor who is fully qualified has worked in hospital and will be joining us to gain an insight into the workings of General Practice. These doctors work closely with our own GP's throughout their time with us.
The doctor may sit in on consultations and will gradually see patients on their own under supervision. Some consultations my be videoed for training purposes only, consent will be requested in these instances. These consultations are a key part of the training new GP's but you may also request to see your own GP alone.
You may be offered an appointment to see the foundation year doctor and most patients do not find this a problem, however, if for any reason you would prefer not to see them please make the receptionist aware when you make an appointment.
For further information please see the attached leaflet.

GP Registrars
Speciality year 1 & 2 (ST1 / ST2) Doctors
These are fully qualified doctors who have decided that they want to become GPs. They are in their first two years of speciality training.
Speciality year 3 (ST3) Doctors
Previously known as GP Registrars, these doctors are in their final year of training to become GPs. They usually spend 12 months with the practice.
Our current GP Registrar: Due to our trainers maternity we will not have a Registrar until August 2020.
As part of their training, the Registrars and FY2 need to video some of their consultations.
If they are videoing on a particular day you will be asked to sign a form to agree to this. You do not have to sign this form and your consultation will not be videoed. This will not affect your consultation in any way.
Any videoed consultations will be strictly confidential and used for training purposes only.
Medical Students
Medical Students attend the practice as part of their training. We train students from years 1 through to 4 of their 5 year training and we are also examiners. We hope that you will co-operate with us and help the students to learn about general practice. However, you will be informed of their presence in advance, and if you do not want them to be present at a consultation, your wishes will be respected. This will not affect your treatment in anyway.