Electronic Repeat Dispensing
What is Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) ?
If you or someone you care for uses the same medication(s) regularly, you may be able to benefit from electronic repeat dispensing. This means no more re-ordering or collecting your repeat prescriptions from the GP practice every time you need more medication.
You simply collect your regular medication from your usual pharmacy each month without having to order it.
To enable electronic dispensing, you need to have a nominated pharmacy and we will set this with you. Your regular medication will then be available at that pharmacy.
When your pharmacy supplies your last electronic repeat prescription, they will inform you. You will then have to contact your GP practice to ask for another set of electronic repeat prescriptions. You may need to be seen for a review before another batch of electronic repeat dispensing prescription is authorised, but this will be discussed with you.

eRD Benefits
Some of the benefits from using eRD are:
- Save time by avoiding unnecessary trips or calls to the GP every time you need to order a repeat prescription.
- Pick up your repeat prescriptions directly from your pharmacy without having to visit your GP.
- Save paper – you won’t need a paper prescription to collect your medicine from the pharmacy.